Brilleman SL, Elçi EM, Novik JB, Wolfe R. Bayesian Survival Analysis Using the rstanarm R Package. 2020. arXiv preprint. arXiv:2002.09633. URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09633.
Ragonnet R, Flegg JA, Brilleman SL, Tiemersma EW, Melsew YA, McBryde ES, Trauer JM. Revisiting the Natural History of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: a Bayesian Estimation of Natural Recovery and Mortality Rates. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2020. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32766718. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa602.
Eldridge BJ, Galea MP, Kissane AL, Broder JC, Brilleman SL, Wolfe R, Williams G. High-Level Mobility Assessment Tool Normative Values for Children. Physical Therapy. 2020;100(2):324-331. PMID: 31742357. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz168.
Brilleman SL, Crowther MJ, Moreno-Betancur M, Buros Novik J, Dunyak J, Al-Huniti N, Fox R, Hammerbacher J, Wolfe R. Joint longitudinal and time-to-event models for multilevel hierarchical data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2019;28(12):3502-3515. doi: 10.1177⁄0962280218808821.
Brilleman SL, Moreno-Betancur M, Polkinghorne KR, McDonald SP, Crowther MJ, Thomson J, Wolfe R. Changes in body mass index and rates of death and transplant in hemodialysis patients: a latent class joint modeling approach. Epidemiology. 2019;30:38–47.
Gardiner BJ, Chow JK, Brilleman SL, Peleg AY, Snydman, DR. The impact of recurrent cytomegalovirus infection on long-term survival in solid organ transplant recipients. Transplant Infectious Disease. 2019;21(6):e13189.
Karim Md N, Reid CM, Huq M, Brilleman SL, Cochrane A, Tran L, Billah B. Predicting long-term survival after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery. 2018;26(2):257-263.
Moreno-Betancur M, Carlin J, Brilleman SL, Tanamas S, Peeters A, Wolfe R. Survival analysis with time-dependent covariates subject to missing data or measurement error: Multiple Imputation for Joint Modeling (MIJM). Biostatistics. 2018;19(4):479-496.
Brilleman SL, Howe LD, Wolfe R, Tilling K. Bayesian piecewise linear mixed models with a random change point: an application to BMI rebound in childhood. Epidemiology. 2017;28(6):827-833.
Chimeddamba O, Gearon E, Brilleman SL, Tumenjargal E, Peeters A. Increases in waist circumference independent of weight in Mongolia over the last decade: the Mongolian STEPS surveys. BMC Obesity. 2017;4:19.
Brilleman SL, Wolfe R, Moreno-Betancur M, Sales AE, Langa KM, Li Y, Daugherty Biddison EL, Rubinson L, Iwashyna TJ. Associations between community-level disaster exposure and individual-level changes in disability and risk of death for older Americans. Social Science & Medicine. 2017;173:118-125.
Brilleman SL, Crowther MJ, May M, Gompels M, Abrams K. Joint longitudinal hurdle and time-to-event models: an application related to viral load and duration of the first treatment regimen in HIV patients initiating therapy. Statistics in Medicine. 2016;35(20):3583-3594.
Brilleman SL, Metcalfe C, Peters TJ, Hollingworth W. The reporting of treatment non-adherence and its associated impact on economic evaluations conducted alongside randomised trials: a systematic review. Value in Health. 2016;19(1):99-108.
McClean S, Brilleman SL, Wye L. What is the perceived impact of Alexander technique lessons on health status, costs and pain management in the real life setting of an English hospital? The results of a mixed methods evaluation of an Alexander technique service for those with chronic back pain. BMC Health Services Research. 2015;15:293.
Brilleman SL, Gravelle H, Hollinghurst S, Purdy S, Salisbury C, Windmeijer F. Keep it simple? Predicting primary health care costs with measures of morbidity and multimorbidity. Journal of Health Economics. 2014;35:109-122.
Brilleman SL, Purdy S, Salisbury C, Windmeijer F, Gravelle H, Hollinghurst S. Implications of comorbidity for UK primary care costs: a retrospective observational study. The British Journal of General Practice. 2013;63:274-282.
Brilleman SL, Salisbury C. Comparing measures of multimorbidity to predict outcomes in primary care: a cross sectional study. Family Practice. 2013;30(2):172-178.
Brilleman SL, Pachana NA, Dobson, AJ. The impact of attrition on the representativeness of cohort studies of older people. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2010;10:71-79.
Pachana NA, Brilleman SL, Dobson AJ. Reporting of life events over time: Methodological issues in a longitudinal sample of women. Psychological Assessment. 2010;23(1):277-281.